30 days returns.

Handmade in Italy with Passion
Handmade in Italy with Passion

30 days returns.

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Check out these collections.

The new cosmetic technology from L'Equilibriste, a revolution in personal care and in the world of fashion.

Just wear leggings developed with our new cosmetic technology, go to work, to the gym or wherever you want. You will benefit at all times from the cosmetic effects that are in the fabric .

Its effectiveness , supported by rigorous independent studies, redefines well-being and beauty.

Your time is valuable. As much as your beauty.

Più li indossi, maggiore è l'efficacia.

Wear leggings developed with a new cosmetic technology to go to the office, workout or otherwise. You will benefit at all times from the cosmetic effects that are in the fabric .

Its effectiveness , supported by rigorous independent studies, redefines well-being and beauty.

Non perdono efficacia con i lavaggi.

Si tratta di una innovativa nanotecnologia che non si consuma con i lavaggi, infatti il tessuto non è "imbevuto del principio attivo", ma è lo stesso filato a contenerlo al tuo interno.

Avendo cura di seguire le indicazioni per il lavaggio, puoi lavarli quanto vuoi.

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